Wednesday, 5 January 2011

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The CD cover, magazine advert and the music video are all purposely similar. The pictures on the CD cover and magazine advert include the church setting, which is also used as a scene in the music video. The CD cover has a painting of God in the background, this compliments the video because when we chose the song 'where is the love' we had the idea that God represents the idea of 'love'; so by using the painting of God on the CD cover connects with our portray of 'love throughout the video. The poster also has an effect with gives an urban look to it, this is similar to our video because our video is urban themed through the use of shooting in the city of Manchester, we wanted to carry this urban theme throughout all pieces of work and we achieved this.
When designing the poster and the CD cover we kept our target audience in mind because this is who we wish to market to. We did this by a use of bright colours, big text and uses of effects. We thought this would attract our audience by expressing the genre through the poster and the use of the images used on the poster. The main image was the church window, the reason for using the church window in the CD cover was to express the bright attractive colours which will attract the young teenagers from the ages of 15-25, which is our target audience. Our aim is to sell our main product in main stream music industries for example itunes and hmv, we hope to achieve this through the use of our marketing strategies- our CD cover, the poster and the music video. the main link between our music video and the ancillary texts is the connection of religion with love, this will also be an attraction to our target audience and the genre we portray which is used in our ancillary texts as well as our music video.

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