Monday, 27 September 2010

Production Treatment

The music video: Where Is The Love? - Black Eyed Peas

Duration: The length of the music video is 4 minutes 17 seconds, but we plan to shorten the introduction and ending of the original video. We have the possibility of using the radio edit that is 3 minutes 51 seconds.

Audience: Our video will contain scenes of war that are not suitable for young children. Our music video is targeting adults between 18 to 30, this music video appeals to both genders because it is a mixed sex group. However our video may appeal to teenagers aged between 14-17 because the genre is R'n'B and the majority of R'n'B music aims at teenagers.

Resume: The narrative of our music video is based on the lyrics. the main story is about a man singing to the public trying to express his views on what has happened to all the 'love' in the world, but the man is getting ignored by the public. The audience can expect to see lots of different locations which represent what the lyrics are saying. for example, the chorus will take place in a church because the lyrics are directed at finding Gods help.
The genre of our music video is R'n'B therefore the costumes will need to represent this genre, also we will be showing the urban lifestyle of Manchester to express the R'n'B feel to the video.

Suggested elements:

Performance: The performance will mainly consist of the mimicking of the lyrics but will also incorporate clips of war and clips of Manchester's busy urban environment and with no one caring for the homeless and showing the flaws of capitalism with everybody ignoring the truth.

Costumes: We intend to wear casual urban clothing very much like the original video. We have decided to do this because of the genre of the music and its strong relation to urban/street music. Also, the lyrics of the song does give off the mental image of smart outfits but people in casual wear.

Any SFX: We intend to use the green screen during the chorus to show clips of war. This will show the morality of the song and the message it is trying to send: Where is the Love?. We also will use special effects during the editing to help make the music video flow with transitions being used on FinalCut Pro.

Key Locations: With the original video incorporating a inner city suburbia, we also intend to do the same by using the urban environment of Manchester within our music video. This is due to the strong relation of the lyrics to the urban lifestyle. However, we also plan to use Loreto's Chapel for the chorus because of its strong connection to the church and god.

Recording days: We plan to film within lesson hours, which should give us enough time to capture all we need because we have 4 and a half hours of lesson time a week. If we need to shoot anymore we will shoot on the weekend or free lessons. Also we have a night scene in our music video so we need to shoot when it is dark outside to get the full effect. This Monday afternoon from 1:50 till 5 we will be in the town centre to start our filming.

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