Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Location Shots

Having to decide on locations to shoot, we took time out of our days off to look at possible locations around Manchester City Centre/Arndale, with an intension to film there. Within our music video we plan to use Manchester Market Street and the alleyways in its surrounding area.

Market Street, Manchester, is a busy urban environment with street beggars and the homeless on the side streets there are also business men/women and shoppers walking up Market Street daily who completely ignore the less fortunate and this ties into our song: Where is the Love?

Manchester Rooftops/Car parks: We can use this establishing shot to show the busy city below and people acting without a care. It also shows the urban environment and how the world has changed and how technology is now leading the world.

Loreto Chapel: We have choose to use Loreto Chapel. Due to its easy location and the link it has to our song when it questions God and asks for help, 'Father, Father, Father help us,
Send some guidance from above, Cause people got me, got me questioning, Where is the love (Love)'.
The church has strong links to God within it with statues of the Virgin Mary, Jesus on the cross and the teachings of Christ all on the walls etc.

Manchester's Back-alleys: The back alleys are associated with with rubbish, dirt and crime in some places. We hope we can show this in our video because its will create a good negative environment that can help set the mood of our song.

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