Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Album cover research

Many popular albums usually need to have a visual attraction as well as musical attraction. Album covers usually reflect the mood of the album or displays the artist/band. However the majority display the artist and contain within its background the theme of the album e.g. Young Money All stars album contains an Urban/City Background this could be linked to genre of Rap music. Some album covers show images related to the artist e.g in the Ndubz album we see Dappy wearing his famous hat and Frazer striking a pose which he had became famous for. However, if we go further back in time e.g Jackson 5's album we see the lack of digital effects used but you see the family together and singing and Michael at the front because he is the most famous out of the family so therefore has to be displayed to show the buyer that the artist they are looking for is in the album.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


We are now using a step by step approach with our editing by taking one scene/clip at a time and editing it using the Apple Macs and FinalCut pro. This is a professional program and will help us get the best editing possible done. We our using the college's editing suites for this which have state-of-the-art technology.

Recording and Problems

On the week of the 18th October, we started shooting our production piece of 'Where is the Love?'. We managed to record most of the song over this week period and took some time out during half term to record some extra footage for our night scene in Manchester City Centre. However, when we returned to college to edit our work so far, we soon noticed that not all of our work was up to the correct standard: with it not being synced correctly with the song, the camera work being shaky etc and people disturbing the filming.

But we moved quickly to rectify and re do the work that needed to be changed and now are taking a step by step with us editing it at every opportunity we have. So, if changed need to be made we can make them swiftly rather than worrying about them and rushing them at the end.

We also feel that by redoing the work it has given us an opportunity to improve and remaster parts of the production which were at previous times was being rushed and wasn't as good as it could be.

We have re-assessed this several times using our step by step approach and are still having problems with our work. Our main problem is Lip sync because none of us espicially wanted to be in the music video and were reculantly made to. Our lip sync etc isnt brillant and has been the main problem if our work.